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This site is a place where THE FUN BEGINS, FOR ALL AGES!!! 


Hello . . . I'm Rish . . . WELCOME!!  What this site will EVENTUALLY become is a place where you can browse and spend 5 to 6 hours surfing around . . . listening to my music, reading my stories and poems, reading blogs and writings about facinating topics, learning and developing your own skills . . . smiling and laughing and having a good time either by yourself or with the whole family . . . and, yet, NEVER have to look at the same thing twice; that is how diversified, extensive and varied this site will be . . . EVENTUALLY . . . it all takes time.

     It is being created to be a place of FAMILY FUN and entertainment in a number of diverse areas . . . a place where you can just chill and read to the children or read on your own, or let them listen to my sound tracks as I read to them.  It will have poetry and music and writings for children . . . AND adults.

     As well . . . you can read about psychology, and counseling, and about problems other people experience, with suggested solutions . . . or about ways to sleep better . . . fight depression . . . make friends . . . feel happier . . . have more control of your life and emotions . . . how to repair household problems in maintenance . . . learn tips in carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, house design, drafting, car troubles.  You will be able to learn about handwriting, calligraphy, rapidgraphy (an art of the hand I created many years ago), and handwriting analysis . . . you will be able to learn how to dance in varioius styles and various steps. You can learn of the process of logic and problem solving . . . and it's use in repairing just about anything . . . in time, this will be a place where a person can come and just relax and enjoy; because there will be no offensive words spoken here, no immoral suggestion, nothing that the smallest child couldn't read and enjoy . . . as long as they can read. =0)  This site will be like walking through a craft store where one is motivated to think and reason about bunches of new thoughts and ideas; you may think about things you never before considered about life, death, faith, religion, about God and where you came from . . . why you're here . . . and where you go after this life. It is hoped, that for some, it may even change your life for the good.

This is a picture of lil' ol' me sitting in my studio in "The Seat of Creation" =0); it is from here that I start making what I create in . . . poetry, illustration, music instrumentation, vocals, composition, narration, documentation, and, yes, even commercials, be able to appear on your screen, or play in your ear. This pic is also the one I use as the cover pic for my CDs on the Rish Records Co. Label.

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