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SITE IN PROCESS: Please note that this site is in process and is not functioning completely in the EBOOK areas. But the MUSIC is available. The FREE ANXEE story works well, enjoy it. Other categories have some content, but also not finished. WHY SO MANY TOPICS!!??...you may ask? Because this site is DESIGNED to be a place where you can spend some time (if you wish) to read about a number of various "FIELDS" of interest. RISH has spent his life LEARNING MANY THINGS . . . and he loves to share with others who may want to learn similarly.
The REFERENCE PAGE is the place where various tidbits of additional information regarding various parts and pages of this website will be added.
For someone who is not a musician, or who is not familiar with music, this may not make sense to you . . . but I'm hoping it will. This that I will explain below is the methodology used by many professional musicians in their process of charting chording patterns in their songs for on stage-performances. Because there are MANY musicians who do not read music (they play---as is said---"by ear") . . . so they have to have a means to identify which chord follows which chord in a song. In my many years of professional music, I don't recall anyone ever telling me that this process of charting is called the Nashville Numbering System . . . it's just what I've always called it. I hope the below attempt at explanation works for you.
Musicians, of course, perform their music by playing various arrangements of chords (such as A, B, C, D, E, F and G). These chords fall within a scale of 8 . . . called an octave; with note 8 being the same as note 1. To clarify, if you were to sing the song from "The Sound of Music" called "Do Re Mi" . . . you would sing all 8 notes . . . i.e., Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do. We can see here that the note Do is repeated twice . . . 6 notes apart . . . so, as mentioned above, from Do to Do is called an octave.
So, as you also realize, each person has a different voice . . . some have a high pitched voice, and some have a very low pitched voice . . . and there's everything in between. So, a person a person who is going to sing a song has to find which chord fits their voice, right? So, let's say that I am going to sing a song in the key of C; then the very first chord that I would play to begin my song would be the chord of C. Therefore, in this example, C---since it's the first chord I play---becomes number 1 in my song of the scale of 8. So, if my song was "Do Re Mi," I'd start singing in the key of C.
So, if you went to a piano, and played any key/note, and sang the scale in Do Re Mi . . . starting at that key/note . . . and then moved up one key/note, and sang it again starting from that key/note . . . and then moved up one more key and sang it again . . . you would have started singing the scale in three different keys/notes . . . and the very first key/note you played each time you moved up, would have been key/note number one in that scale (or the Do of that scale). Is it getting clearer?
The bottom line is this . . . The Nashville Numbering System changes the Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do in music [chord reading] to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. With 1 being the first key/note/chord in which your song begins. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to write and ask at rish@rish.co.