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SITE IN PROCESS: Please note that this site is in process and is not functioning completely in the EBOOK areas. But the MUSIC is available. The FREE ANXEE story works well, enjoy it. Other categories have some content, but also not finished. WHY SO MANY TOPICS!!??...you may ask? Because this site is DESIGNED to be a place where you can spend some time (if you wish) to read about a number of various "FIELDS" of interest. RISH has spent his life LEARNING MANY THINGS . . . and he loves to share with others who may want to learn similarly.
Hi, Rish here . . . I chose this background because it shows that even nature dances!! Jelly Fish as they swim around are like the ballet experts of the sea; so smooth and flowing and easy going. And, besides . . . this website builder didn't have very many choices from which to choose for a dancing background.
DANCE TALK is going to be a page where (1) I write some personal views and observations about the art of dance; (2) copy and paste some of my favorite articles about the topic; (3) Post some of your comments and thoughts about dance; and, (4) Post some of the best pics I may see of dancers.
CHANGE: entry Dec 8th, 2019;
Miki and I have been trying to refine the art of dance instruction by breaking it down to simplicity...beginning with the basics and building firm foundations in those basics. We realize that everyone approaches something new in their lives with a bit of fear and apprehension... because---speaking as a counselor by past profession---CHANGE itself, in our daily routine is something to which everyone must adjust.
First of all, the fact that ANYONE decides to change something in their life is a "HUGE HURRAH" from me; because to change to improve for the good takes wisdom and courage and a spirit of adventure. Hence, DANCE is a perfect field for ADVENTURE SEEKERS. WHY? Because to dance is to send different---often never-before-experienced---neuro messages from the mind to the muscles. The brain has to learn how to teach the muscles of the entire body to do something it has never done before...i.e., the feet and legs to move with the BEAT of the music; and a number of people aren't even aware of how to FIND this---so-called---BEAT or COUNT of the music genre; but, never fear, we teach that quite quickly.
In a number of studies, there's a reason why DANCE is the ONLY activity that helps prevent dementia...in that, to dance, is to use so many parts of the brain; like a thorough weight room experience exercises all parts of the body.
Another reason that DANCE is so good for the Spirit and body of a person is that it REQUIRES humility to dance; WHY? Because some synonyms for the word HUMILITY are lowliness, meekness and submissiveness...OR, to me, TEACHABILITY. I can tell right away---after so many years of teaching---who is going to not be able to learn to dance...because they come to the lessons showing a bit of pridefulness and not willing to learn. But, these people are few and far-between; because, such people probably won't even come to the lessons in the first place. But I applaud those who do---especially the guys, because it is their role to lead---because SO MANY end up having so much fun...as do we...Miki an I. Hence, one reason why our program is FREE!!
Have you ever wondered why it is that we humans seem to like getting in lines? Or, in-other-words, people so easily follow after others, and are so easily influenced . . . in dress, speech, hair style, drug use, alcohol, language, music and, yes, even in dance. As a dance instructor I've taken advantage of the option of choice in my lessons. I use to tell my children while they were growing up to "Believe none of what you hear . . . and only half of what you see!" Of course this term isn't meant to be literal, but cautionary. It is a quote from the great Benjamin Franklin, who, himself was an astonishing man in intellect and accomplishments. It's funny how it is that we can hear some things and never REALLY hear them . . . yet when we hear some things we wonder why we did? I heard this quote from who-knows-who many years ago and it just STUCK in my witto-bitty head. I would imagine that I have said this hundreds of times; and, for me, it has proven to be true and helpful. I truly believe very little of what I may hear from someone. I have to do the research and discover my own truths for myself.
So, now let's discuss "DANCE FRAME" for a moment; dance frame---simplified---is the positioning of the man and woman's bodies together as they dance . . . including body, legs and feet. England is said to be the beginning of today's ballroom dance frame. Small clubs around London began to hold dance competitions in the single dance form; and then the first English ballroom dance competition in combined forms was held in March of 1922. To the right is an action picture (not posed) of the first British Professional Ballroom Champions, Maxwell Stewart and Pat Sykes.
Notice how Maxwell is looking at his partner? By today's
standards of frame, this would be a HUGE no-no; as in today's modern frame, it is important to keep the heads apart and often looking in the opposite direction. I am not a fan of the modern frame of dance, hence, Miki and I teach after the frame of this pictured couple . . . to look at each other and be romantic. There are many aspects of the modern dance frame that are illogical and, to me, quite dysfunctional and silly; hence, we ignore any that are more after etiquette than function. As in all things, some aspects make logical sense for reason and purpose; others are done just because someone . . . somewhere . . . said that it was best . . . but this is not our pursuit in dance instruction.
Speaking more about FRAME here in writing wouldn't serve a logical purpose. Seeing is the best way to learn a physical activity like dance. So, come to our lessons or have a look at our videos when they appear.