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SITE IN PROCESS: Please note that this site is in process and is not functioning completely in the EBOOK areas. But the MUSIC is available. The FREE ANXEE story works well, enjoy it. Other categories have some content, but also not finished. WHY SO MANY TOPICS!!?? may ask? Because this site is DESIGNED to be a place where you can spend some time (if you wish) to read about a number of various "FIELDS" of interest. RISH has spent his life LEARNING MANY THINGS . . . and he loves to share with others who may want to learn similarly.
Hello There . . . I'm pleased that you have visited my site. I am interested in your thoughts, ideas and positive comments.
Please fill in the form below and then click SEND to forward your message to me. I try to answer all positive and uplifting emails personally. And, though I am human (most of the time) I try also to be subjective and learn from negative words as well. However, this is a FAMILY SITE, so if I see any inappropriate words in an email, I won't read it at all and will delete it immediately, thanks. RISH
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